Place ScoreTM
One of our most effective research tools is Place ScoreTM.
Place ScoreTM is a survey and reporting package that you can customise and implement yourself. You can generate accurate and fast responses to questions you have about spaces in your area from just $1500 + GST.
Place ScoreTM brings a more nimble yet still robust approach to placemaking and allows a business or government body to determine if a placemaking opportunity exists (including property development, retail, health and aged care) more quickly and more comprehensively.
It allows you to measures the quality of the human experience of urban places: our main streets, plazas, open areas and town centres. It incorporates the physical, economic, social and cultural aspects of a place that contribute to people wanting to visit and spend time in a place.
The three key benefits of Place Score are:
Prioritise Investment
What’s great about your place? What could be improved?
With many of our places we know that things aren’t working but we aren’t able to exactly identify what is contributing negatively. Often this can lead to wholesale changes that can cost a lot of money and still not deliver the positive change you are looking for. Place Score is designed to sort through all the different voices in the community and provide a quantitative assessment of your place as a whole. It also delivers accurate customer segmentation, revealing demographic insights not possible with any other engagement method. Place Score helps you clearly identify your strengths and your weaknesses. Once the attributes for potential improvement are identified you can better prioritise resources to specific areas of concern. This means you don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater!
Measuring Change
Place Score is a great before and after measurement tool
It can be used to help plan and prioritise urban revitalisation projects and then capture the change in community perceptions after an urban renewal project has been completed. Let’s consider an example: your community rates the street trees, shop front visual merchandising and cleanliness as being the weakest attributes of your place. In response, you can develop improvement projects and programs to specifically target these areas and then measure the impact of these changes directly with another Place Score after the improvement. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to prove the positive influence of your investment?
Engagement Efficiency
Getting the right answers to the right questions
Getting the answers to the type of questions Place Score asks using traditional public engagement processes is expensive, lengthy and resource-heavy. It can quickly become a hit-or-miss exercise. Place Score solves this problem with fixed prices, guaranteed data sets and quantitative reporting that is provided to you using easy-to-read infographics.
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