Who We Are

Pioneers in Place Making

Place Partners is a specialist placemaking consultancy with an interdisciplinary approach to the creation and revitalisation of great places.

There are many definitions of placemaking and many different approaches. Place Partners considers the creation of place as a balance of rigor and intuition. We consider ourselves Strategic Place Makers, facilitating long term and holistic planning that meets current community needs as well as their future aspirations.

Our collaborative approach is founded on the belief that the best public spaces are a living system of mutually dependent activities that rely on strong working relationships between design, development, retail, marketing and social planning to deliver a whole that is more than the sum of its parts.

Place Partners’ founding principle is that the best results are achieved when all parties work together toward a common goal – centred on the place and its people – that is understood by all.

Place Partners facilitate this process, shaping the vision for the desired character through clear principles and activation strategies that respond to the local economy, community, culture and environment – both natural and manmade. Through community engagement, we are able to build people’s values into the future culture of a place and provide new opportunities for community development.

Our focus is to reveal and respond to the genius loci, or spirit of place … what a place is as well as what it wants to be. By identifying the ideal future place character of a location we provide each project with the potential to be both truly unique as well as authentic to its location and community. This point of difference provides the guiding principles for all project decisions, driving design, marketing and management.

Our placemaking methodology delivers significant benefits throughout the process, not just in the final result. We facilitate team collaboration and alignment, encourage innovative thinking and deliver practical and achievable activation strategies.

Our promise is to work with our clients to create people places that are self-sustaining; economically, socially, environmentally and culturally.

We believe that each project requires a specific approach that can best reflect and develop the needs of the place. Place Partners draws from a network of collaborators who we bring together to reflect these specific needs. Our broad body of work includes: cross-cultural community development and facilitation, public art, landscape design, event production and exhibition design, graphic design, traffic engineering, planning and economic feasibility.