
Place Partners in partnership with Spackman Mossop Michaels has been commissioned by Penrith City Council to prepare a Public Domain Masterplan for Penrith City Centre.

The City Centre offers a wide range of products but few experiences or places to stay, relax, rest and socialise. At the core of Place Partner’s initiative is a need to deliver soft and hard infrastructure to support the creation of great places for both people and for business in order to catalyse economic growth.

Part of the project involves the preparation of a Place Framework, the initial step of a comprehensive approach to provide a guiding brief for the development of the concept plans and finished masterplan. The Place Framework identifies the unique character of Penrith City Centre and identifies places on site, providing recommendations for urban design, streetscape improvements, public art and other placemaking opportunities. The strategy includes a detailed review of documentation and data regarding social, economic, environmental and cultural influences on the City Centre in addition to a site analysis and place audit.

Community Engagement and Communications– Based on the findings of the place framework and input from Council, Place Partners with Spackman Mossop Michaels and Cred Community Planning will undertake a targeted and comprehensive approach to community engagement.

Design– In a collaborative approach with our partners, Place Partners will develop the masterplan to reflect the full range of issues identified in the Place Framework and community engagement outcomes.

Refinement– Five masterplan concepts created in the design stage will be presented to stakeholders for assessment. They will choose a preferred concept that will be carried forward and further developed.

Final Strategy– An implementation strategy and indicative staging plan will be developed along side the final masterplan. This final stage shall outline the strategic potential of the project, potential cost of implementation, community’s preferences and buildability of the project.

Start Date: 26.04.2012
End Date: 19.05.2013